Saturday, December 15, 2007

RRIICCEE - NYC 12/07/07

As I waited for seating to begin for RRIICCEE's NYC debut, I watched quietly, pretending to read a copy of "The Turn of the Screw", while two hipsters flirted with a pregnant girl who was far more Mia Farrow in "Rosemary's Baby" than Demi Moore on the cover of Vanity Fair. As the coffee shop portion of the venue, 45 Bleeker Street, began to fill, and I finished laughing at the group of 15-20 asian people having to check their cameras, the doors were opened and seating began.
After a half hour, Vincent Gallo, of Brown Bunny fame, Eric Erlandson of Hole fame, Nikolas Hass of famous sibling Lukas fame, and Rebecca Casabian of no paticular fame at all, came from behind the dark curtain and took their respective places. The first thing I noticed about the way the stage was set up was that there was no mic in the center of the stage. There was one to my left, pointed at the ground and one to my right in a similar position. Gallo took his place at the left-center stage mic, wearing a green springstein-esqe bandanna and a leather coat. Eric took the right-center, wearing a long pecoat-like blazer and no shoes. Nikolas came out with no shirt, showing a small tattoo of a heart on his left pectoral and wearing 1970s basketball short shorts and took his place on the edge of stage right. Rebecca came out in short shorts as well, but hers had black suspenders and she wore a shirt. She played the keyboard on the left edge of the stage.
As RRIICCEE began with a downtempo number, it seemed most people sat and watched Gallo as he sat and played a guitar, never looking at the audience, sometimes not even facing us. Throughout the performance, the songs switched from downtempo to harder rock and then even a hip hop drum beat. Gallo had three guitars, Eric, four, and they would routinely switch between their own guitars, but never playing each others. One would expect Haas to be the member who decided the direction of the songs as he had the power to control the tempo, but save one or two shining moments, Rebecca seemed to be the one in control for most of the performance. RRIICCEE, referred to heavily during my eavesdropping before they took the stage was widely considered "Vincent Gallo's New Band" and occassionally you could see him throwing looks to Haas or telling Rebecca something, to which her response always was "What?"
The non-structured format allowed for each musician to continue with the song until they felt like it was over. Sometimes Gallo would stop playing, but Eric would still be at the guitar or sampler, seeing the song through until he felt it met it's natural end.
Each musician rarely made even eye contact with the audience. Every now and then, we got a glance from Rebecca, but other than that, it was mostly Gallo on the floor, Eric with his back turned to the audience and Haas looking at Rebecca. Gallo with his reconisable stare, focused carefully at his instruments and was in full concentration so much so, he appeared modest. The abrasive personality that Gallo is so famous for having was no where to be found and the only words out of his mouth that he didn't sing were "Thank You" as RRIICCEE left the stage.
In the end, RRIICCEE's NYC performance proved to be very experimental and genuinely interesting. After the concert posters and clothing was sold, prices starting at $100. One could not help but feel that this was possibly a satire of today's concert scene and not a money making venture.
It was hard to gauge the audience's reaction during the performance, as is the nature of the venue, anyone who needs to use the bathroom has to walk in front of everyone so it provided a lot of commotion. Strangely enough it also allowed for one of the best moments of the night, when a decidedly sad instrumental was played by the band and a girl walked back from the bathroom, holding her sweater closed, looking like she just plopped out her abortion in the bathroom. It added an interesting context for the music and may have added something to the emotion rich songs that were played.
So the question is, does RRIICCEE work?
As I was herded out onto the street with the other harbingers of death for a cigarette, I caught the girl behind me humming the tune of the last song RRIICCEE played.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

resuming my alcoholism

my battles with alcoholism have gone pretty well as of late. this no longer matters though. now, i must clean out my bank account and ready my liver because vincent gallo is heading up belvedere's most expensive ad campaign ever. what does this mean for us? no more water fountains anywhere. sorry. they will be replaced by belvedere fountains because fuck water if it doesn't want to be sponsered by vg. we have been bowing down for water too long. vincent gallo's new campaign will allow us to finally fight back. and get drunk in the process. i hope, with the legions of fans that read this website, we can impeach water's right to be rain and ring in a new year with belvedere as the new rain.
check back often for a copy of the commerical. i'll be feverously looking for same.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

the envelope

i have an envelope.
the contents of this envelope will change my life.
i will guard this envelope like john travolta guards his sexual orientation.
i've placed the envelope in 50 different locations, each time trying to figure out the perfect place. i needed somewhere that the envelope could be safeguarded from the elements and protected from thieves (i live next to newark). i've tried everywhere. i even placed it in the closet (as this has been a trustworthy stronghold for john as well). i finally settled on- actually i can't tell you... thief.
we all have fantasies- winning the lottery, retiring young, kidnapping winona ryder and chaining her to a radiator- simple dreams for simple people.
never in my wildest dreams (mostly consisting of chaining celebs to various objects *usually radiators, rocket ships, small explosives or the front of britney's car* for various reasons *they are goodlooking or more likely, i hate them* ) did i think that i would have an evelope with a document that held so much power.
remember how happy charlie was when he got that golden ticket (you know... the part before he realized that the whole chocolate factory might as well been a giant white van with willy wonka hanging a giant herseys bar out of it)? thats how i felt when i got this envelope.

it is with great pleasure and mediocre prose that i announce the fact that VINCENT GALLO will be in nyc on december 7th. and i have a ticket. i have a ticket to see VINCENT GALLO, and the hard copy of this ticket is in my possesion. you should get tickets to see VINCENT GALLO. we can all see VINCENT GALLO- the greatest actor, director, writer, musician, dancer, republican, painter, mammal, of this or any generation.

for additional information regarding this generation defining moment, i refer you to:

Saturday, November 3, 2007

the return...

i have returned to continue to write the history book that is vincent gallo's blog.
my absence should not be misconstrued as vincent gallo's fault, as he remains productive as ever. it is, in fact, my stupid fault- a mix between my own sloth and pure stupidity. i had to return because i feel the tides of the liberal media strangling america..
listen close.
do you hear that?
that's america pleading for assistance. that is this great country crying as obama dances on ellen.
i must continue this vincent gallo blog so that we can once again regain the supremacy that america had.
i don't want my children growing up in a society where they would be exposed to wooden politicians dancing with pants-suited pseudo-comediennes.

i present to you a clip of vincent gallo.
in this clip, we view the finest actor of our generation or any generation for that matter. with only a few words, vincent goes through a range of emotions that most hollywood actors cannot emote. do you see josh harnett pulling off stuff like this? no you see him with that stupid squint in EVERY scene. although we may not be able to exterminate josh, we can sit back and enjoy our clip of the day
vincent gallo

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listen. do you hear that?
thank you.
thank you.
thank you.
that's my voice saying this, that's your voice saying this, that's america saying this.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

the revolution will be televised... on fx

for the first time since the television was invented, people will have a reason to watch f/x tonight.
f/x is still a channel you ask?

lets hope so.

if i could find out how to use the new yahoo tv guide i would be able to verify it, but unfortunately it takes the power of 100 of the worlds most powerful pc's and frankly my prodigy internet connection can't load that much info.

enough pleasantries, lets get down to business.
at ten tonight you must watch f/x.

i know it will seem like a trick at first because you will realize that dude from ready to rumble's wife has a new show and you are watching it, but wait for it.

wait for it.

vincent gallo will be on this television program.

i just gave you like 14 lines of the blog to think about what i just told you.
mr. gallo will be starring, hopefully as courtney cox's killer in this new television program.

while i never support actually watching this new show because i found out winona ryder was going to be on courtney cox's last show and i said that everyone should watch and look how popular that show got, i do support you supporting vincent gallo.