Sunday, December 17, 2006

and they tell two friends and they tell two friends...

galloian influence one.

in the first installment of our galloian influence section, we will look at the influence that vincent gallo has had on the greatest rapper in music today.

after only appearing for mere seconds in jay-z's classic video "99 problems", vincent gallo has had an amazing, positive influence on the multi-platinium rapper.

99 problems

jay-z, through the profound teachings of vincent gallo, is recruiting young black men for the republican party. the setbacks of the ignorant, uneducated, poorly thought out, uninformed, ill mannered, downright disrespectful words of kanye west are slowly being washed away by jay-z's positive work.

nas' new album "hip hop is dead" comes out this tuesday and features a spectacular track with jay-z, who preaches the benefits of the republican party on "black republican"

"black republican / money i got comin in" jay-z proclaims on the chorus. this will prove to be revolution in the black community. when jay-z started wearing button ups, the ridiculous dress looking white t-shirts were thrown out. when jay-z stabbed lance riviera, i'm sure many-a-homeboy traded in their "gat" for a sharp object. now black people will realize the benefits of the republican party via jay-z. the song is great, just fast forward through the nas parts as he mumbles some garbage about being a militant and whatnot, but bottom line you have a great chorus and verse from jay.

if the seconds of vincent gallo in the "99 problems" video can change jay this much, it further proves after this blog grows it's already staggering readership numbers, vincent gallo will arrive and remain in the forefront of world news.

be sure to support the new nas album and leave copies all around choice inner city locations so "black republican" can spread throughout the world's ghettos.

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